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68 results found
Biography & Genealogy

Ancestry - Library Edition

Chapin Logo

Search billions of records and discover your family's story. Search scope includes US Census, Vital Records, Military and Immigration Records.

(Inside library use only due to license restrictions.)

Biography in Context


SC Discus
More than 600,000 biographies of people from around the world and throughout history. Full-text articles from hundreds of magazines, daily newpapers and newswires.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.



Chapin Logo
FamilySearch is a non-profit family history organization dedicated to connecting families across generations. FamilySearch shares the largest collection of genealogical and historical records in the world. For over 100 years, FamilySearch and its predecessors have been actively gathering, preserving, and sharing genealogical records worldwide. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the primary benefactor for FamilySearch services.

(Inside library use only due to license restrictions.)



Chapin Logo
Explore your family history with the premier collection of U.S. obituaries and death notices for in-depth genealogical research from 1704 – today. HeritageHub helps you easily identify relatives, uncover new information and potentially unknown family members. Includes deep coverage from all 50 states, hard-to-find content from the mid 1900’s, and original obituary images. Access is available 24/7.

PebbleGo Next - Biographies


SC Discus
Engaging read-aloud audio and videos with articles appropriate for young learners. Explore the lives of people across 16 categories, from actors to world leaders. Ideal for students in grades 3 to 5.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Bloom's Literature


SC Discus
Content from Facts On File’s extensive print literature collection, hundreds of Harold Bloom’s essays, and thousands of critical articles published by noted scholars under the Bloom’s Literary Criticism imprint. Includes overviews, synopses, analyses, and literary criticisms.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Drama for Students


SC Discus
Provides critical overviews of the most-studied plays of all time periods, nations, and cultures. Includes discussions of themes, characters, critical reception, dramatic devices and traditions as well as cultural and historical context.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Literary Reference Center


SC Discus
Provides plot summaries, synopses and work overviews; articles/essays of literary criticism; author biographies; book reviews; classic and contemporary poems and short stories; author interviews and more. For middle school students through adults.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

NoveList K-8 Plus


SC Discus
Resource for helping students find their next great fiction or nonfiction title to read. Contains curriculum-driven material to assist with integrating reading across subject areas in the classroom. Covers fiction and nonfiction titles and series targeted to elementary and middle schoolers.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

NoveList Plus


SC Discus
Readers' advisory product providing access to information on over 260,000 fiction and nonfiction titles and series. Includes author read-alikes, book discussion guides, reading lists, searchable award lists and more. For librarians, teachers and readers of all ages.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Novels for Students


SC Discus
Provides critical overviews of novels from various cultures and time periods. Includes discussions of plot, characters, themes and structure as well as the work's cultural and historical significance.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Poetry for Students


SC Discus
Features an overview, discussions, and analysis of poems from all time periods, nations, and cultures.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Short Stories for Students


SC Discus
Provides synopses of the story's plot, characters and themes, author biographies, criticisms, and cultural and historical significance.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Writer's Reference Center


SC Discus
Provides tools on how to write and research effectively, including a step-by-step guide to writing a good essay. For middle school students through adults.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

AtoZdatabases - Access to this resource will end on June 30, 2025.


Chapin Logo
The premier Reference, Research, Marketing, Mailing Lists/Sales Leads, and Job-Search Database. The database includes 30 million business & executive profiles, over 240 million residents with interests, hobbies and lifestyles information, over 7 million real-time job listings, 2 Million new businesses, over 12 million healthcare professionals, over 12 million new movers, 2 million new homeowners, and much more. The databases are ideal for sales leads, mailing lists, market research, employment opportunities, finding friends, relatives and a whole lot of other possibilities.

Business Source Premier


SC Discus
Business research database covering marketing, management, MIS, POM, accounting, banking, finance, and economics. Also includes market research reports, industry reports, country reports, company profiles and SWOT analyses. For college-level and adult researchers.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Company Profiles


SC Discus
Coverage of the automotive, consumer, energy, financial services, healthcare, and technology sectors. Profiles typically include: company overview, key facts, business description, history, key employees, major products and services, revenue analysis, SWOT analysis, competitors, company view, locations and subsidiaries. For college-level and adult researchers.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Legal Information Reference Center


Chapin Logo
Offers the everyday user the necessary tools and detailed “how-to” instructions to independently address a wide-range of legal issues including business law, financial planning, family law, property & real estate and rights & disputes. Contains more than 310 full-text publications and thousands of legal forms.

Small Business Reference Center


SC Discus
Topics include: buying and selling a business, managing employees, writing business plans, understanding legal information, marketing and more. For adult researchers.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Weiss Financial Ratings


Chapin Logo
Whether you are interested in the safety of a bank, credit union or insurance company, or looking for a way to identify and monitor investments, Weiss Fincancial Ratings is your source. With access to more than 40,000 investment ratings on stocks, mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and 16,000 safety ratings on banks, credit unions and insurance companies, you’ll enjoy unprecedented coverage of the companies and investments you want to follow.

Consumer Reports


SC Discus
Presents articles on health, public safety, marketplace economics and the judicial & regulatory actions that affect consumers. Full-text covereage 1991 to present.

Chilton Library


SC DiscusSearch the most authoritative automotive repair information available to car owners. Contains maintenance and specification tables, wiring diagrams, and close-up photographs and illustrations that provide the unique data you need for each specific vehicle.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Hobbies and Crafts Source


SC DiscusHobbies & Crafts Source is a DIY database of leading full-text hobby and craft magazines, hobby profiles, recipes and videos to inspire creativity and nurture extra-curricular interests.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Education Full-Text


SC Discus
Coverage for a wide range of topics, including adult education, continuing education, distance education, instructional media, multicultural/ethnic education, preschool education, secondary education, teaching methods and much more. For educators and college students in the field of education.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.



SC Discus
Contains over 161,000 multimedia resources, including high-quality full-length videos, video clips, images, audio files, interactives, maps, and science experiments. Resources are from more than 200 top educational producers including: A&E, Reading Rainbow, National Geographic, Jim Henson, and Weston Woods. All significant subject areas are included: English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Health, World Languages, Technical and Vocational Education, Music & Dance, and more. Integrates with Google Classroom.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Britannica Library


SC Discus
Encyclopedia articles, current magazines, recommended Web sites, an atlas, biographies, news, pop-up dictionary and thesaurus. Access to three levels: Children, Young Adults, and the Reference Center for high school students and adults.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Britannica School


SC Discus
Access to encyclopedia and related content on three levels: elementary, middle and high school, as well as teacher resources; also includes access to the Britannica Learning Zone for early-childhood learners in prekindergarten through 2nd grade. For Prekindergarten through 12th grades.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Credo Reference


SC Discus
SC Discus

Full text of more than 600 subject-specific encyclopedias, biographies, chronologies, and dictionaries, all from well-respected publishers. Includes the DK Eyewitness eBooks series. For middle school students through adults.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Gale in Context: Elementary


SC Discus

Articles, pictures and reference information on all subjects. Full-text articles from 120+ children's magazines, reference sources and newspapers. For K-5 students, their teachers and parents.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

World Almanac for Kids Elementary


SC Discus

Browse over 300 videos, science projects, games, maps, and Educator Resources, for grades 2-5. Includes large images, easy to read text, and easy navigation. Topics covered include: Being a Good Citizen, Building Character, Countries of the World, Explorers, Famous Americans, Holidays, Insects, Spiders, & Worms, Nutrition, Scientists & Inventors, U.S. Government, Weather & Climate.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

World Almanac for Kids Intermediate


SC Discus

Browse science projects, games, maps, and Educator Resources, for grades 6-9. Subject areas covered are: Native American Life, History of Fashion , Biographies, Physical Science, Life Science, Social Studies, and U.S. Government. Includes debate topics from the "Take a Stand" series: Animal testing, homework, social media influences, voting age, etc. 

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Enciclopedia Moderna


SC Discus

Spanish database for native speakers, bilingual students, and students learning Spanish. For high school and college.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.



SC Discus

Spanish elementary encyclopedia for early readers of Spanish. For ages 7 - 12.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.



SC Discus

Discus – South Carolina’s Virtual Library is the “information place” for all South Carolinians. Discus, which stands for Digital Information for South Carolina Users, provides free access to an electronic library that’s available 24/7. Discus is a collection of subscription databases with an array of resources ranging from books and magazines to maps and videos. This collection of databases provides high-quality publications in an easy to navigate format for students and teachers alike.

Alt Health Watch


SC Discus

Topics include acupuncture, aromatherapy, body work, childbirth, Chinese medicine, chiropractic, creative therapies, cross-cultural therapies, energy medicine, herbalism, homeopathy, mind-body medicine, naturopathy, nutrition, and osteopathy.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Consumer Health Complete


SC Discus

Covers all areas of health and wellness from mainstream medicine to the many perspectives of complementary, holistic, and integrated medicine. Health content oriented to the information needs of patients and designed to foster an overall understanding of health-related topics. For high school students through adults.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Girl's Health


US Flag was created by the Office on Women's Health (OWH) and offers girls reliable, useful information on health and well-being. Some topics covered are, getting your period, stopping bullies, getting fit, and preventing sexually transmitted infections. Pages are clear and fun, and easy to understand. 

Merck Manuals


US Flag
First published in 1899 as a small reference book for physicians and pharmacists, the Merck Manuals have grown in size and scope. The Manuals are a comprehensive medical information source covering thousands of topics in all fields of medicine. The manuals contain symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment in all fields of medicine. They are offered as a free public service to health care professionals and the general public, and come in three editions:

Women's Health


US Flag
The Office on Women's Health (OWH) provides free, accurate, up-to-date, and easy-to-understand women's health information. Content on a range of health topics include: breastfeeding, heart disease and stroke, polycystic ovary syndrome, thyroid disease, endometriosis, menstual cycle, and pregnancy.

African-American History


SC Discus

Covering more than 500 years of the African-American experience, African-American History offers a fresh way to explore the full spectrum of African-American history and culture. Dig deeper into topics by examining different perspectives of key events: Abolitionist Movement, Great Black Migrations, Civil Rights Act of 1964, and African-American Heritage, and others. For grades 5 to 12.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.



SC Discus

Country reports that provide snapshots of the world’s cultures. Covers 200+ United Nations-member countries included, with reports containing history, customs, family, lifestyle, recipes, economy and more. For all ages.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Digital Public Libraries of America


US Flag
Connects people to the riches held within America’s libraries, archives, museums, and other cultural heritage institutions. All of the materials found through DPLA—photographs, books, maps, news footage, oral histories, personal letters, museum objects, artwork, government documents, and so much more—are free and immediately available in digital format. 

History Reference Center


SC Discus

Comprehensive U.S. and world history reference resource. For middle school students through adults.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

South Carolina Department of Archives and History


SC State Icon
Preserves and promotes the documentary and cultural heritage of the state through archival care and preservation, records management, public access, historic preservation, and education.

South Carolina Digital Library


SC State Icon
Provides free access to historic materials, such as photographs, manuscripts, journals, books, oral histories, objects, etc. illustrating the history and culture of South Carolina from over 40 cultural heritage institutions across the state.

University of South Carolina - Digital Collection


SC State Icon
Contains scans of rare, unique, and fragile items held by University Libraries and publishes online for researchers around the world. Every effort is made to portray true color and likeness without any editing. All items are described, many can be downloaded, and all can be cited in your research.

Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center


SC Discus

Whether students are choosing a career path, entering the workforce, or professionals changing careers, Ferguson’s Career Guidance Center supports users every step of the way! Includes Career Interest Assessments to identify work-interest. Explore careers on more than 140 industries and more than 1,000 professions. Education planning, school search, and financial aid databases are available for undergraduate, graduate, and vocational and tech schools in the U.S. and Canada. View professional career advice and insight from working professionals across many industries.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Transparent Language Online


Chapin Logo
Transparent Language Online, is a complete language-learning system with courses and lessons designed to build listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Transparent Language Online allows learners to explore a new language in the comfort of their own home, at the library, or on-the-go.  

Academic Search Premier


SC Discus

Articles from 4,600+ full-text publications in the fields of biology, chemistry, engineering, physics, psychology, religion & theology and more; includes over 3,900 peer-reviewed journals.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Chronicling America - Library of Congress


US Flag
Provides access to information about historic newspapers and select digitized newspaper pages, and is produced by the National Digital Newspaper Program (NDNP). NDNP, a partnership between the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the Library of Congress (LC), is a long-term effort to develop an Internet-based, searchable database of U.S. newspapers with descriptive information and select digitization of historic pages.

Digital Reel

Chapin Logo

Thanks to a generous grant from the Chapin Foundation, the Library is pleased to introduce a new searchable database of local historical newspapers, now available for in-library use. This funding has enabled us to digitize our collection of The Sun News and other early Myrtle Beach newspapers, covering 1938-2017. Patrons and staff can now easily access these valuable resources with keyword search options for research and personal use. 

(Inside library use only due to license restrictions.)

Explora for Public Libraries


SC Discus

Popular general-interest magazines in full text, including Bicycling, Consumer Reports, Consumer Reports Buying Guide, Good Housekeeping, History Today, Real Simple, Saturday Evening Post, Time and more. For teen through adult public library patrons.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Historical Newspapers of South Carolina


SC State Icon
The Historical Newspapers of South Carolina repository provides online access to fulltext searchable historic newspapers originating in South Carolina since it became a state in 1788.

Historic American Newspapers

SC Discus

Page images from selected historic newspapers of 25 states and the District of Columbia, published from 1836-1922. Includes 34 historic South Carolina newspapers published in Anderson, Anderson Court House, Bennettsville, Charleston, Columbia, Edgefield, Georgetown, Laurens, Orangeburg, Orangeburg Court House, Pickens Court House, Rock Hill,

Sumter, and Sumterville. For all age groups.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

MasterFILE Premier


SC Discus

Full text for nearly 1,700 periodicals and articles covering general reference, business, health, education, general science, multicultural issues and much more. For all ages.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Newspaper Source Plus


SC Discus

Over 1,000 full-text newspapers and articles including major titles such as USA Today, Christian Science Monitor, The Washington Post, The Washington Times (DC), San Francisco Chronicle, The Sydney Morning Herald (Australia), The Times (UK), Toronto Star and others. For all ages.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.



SC Discus

Current events database of popular topics, including controversial opinions and viewpoints. For middle school students through adults.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Learning Express


SC Discus

The LearningExpress platform provides the most comprehensive selection of educational resources—including more than 1,000 tutorials, practice exams, and eBooks—for basic skills mastery, academic success, job preparation, and career advancement. Prepare for your WorkKeys Assessment or GED. Take practice tests for the ACT, PSAT, and SAT exams. Practice basic math and writing skills, or learn popular computer software.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

SC Codes


SC State Icon
SC Codes is a learning platform and coding community built to connect South Carolinians to the education and resources they need to unlock careers in technology. A collaboration powered by the S.C. Department of Commerce’s Office of Innovation and Build Carolina, SC Codes not only provides free access to technology education, it also connects, trains and empowers programmers across our state.



The StudySC website is loaded with South Carolina-specific web resources for K-12 homework help, projects, and more. StudySC will also provide teachers with lesson plans and other content to support classroom activities. From artist biographies to Native American tribes and Civil War timelines, get it all at StudySC.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.


Connect online to a LIVE tutor, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!  This service is available for all South Carolina residents of all ages. offers:

  • Math assistance and drop-off for elementary and middle grades math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra I & II, Pre-Calculus and Calculus, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Statistics
  • SAT, PSAT, ACT, and AP test prep
  • Spelling, grammar, literature, and vocabulary assistance
  • Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, and Physics assistance
  • Reading and writing assistance for all grades
  • Computer literacy
  • ESL and ELL
  • U.S. History, European History, World History, and Civics assistance
  • French, German, Spanish, and Italian tutors

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Universal Class


Chapin Logo
Universal Class offers hundreds of online continuing education classes facilitated by dedicated instructors sharing their knowledge on almost any imaginable topic. Some topics include: business, science, mathematics, history, home-schooling, computer training, office skills, and more!

Animal Kingdom


Discover facts about animals by group, by habitat, or by name With easy-to-read articles, videos, and photos with age-appropriate reference and learning materials.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Applied Science & Technology


Content from leading trade and industrial journals, professional and technical society journals, specialized subject periodicals, buyers’ guides, directories and conference proceedings.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.



Engaging read-aloud audio and videos with articles appropriate for young learners. Includes amphibians, animal behavior, birds, dinosaurs, fish, mammals, and more. Ideal for students K-3. English and Spanish.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Science Reference Center


Contains full-text science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, essays, and biographies of scientists. For middle school students through adults.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Opposing Viewpoints


Database of contemporary social issues with content structured to promote critical-thinking skills and information literacy. More than 14,000 pro and con viewpoint essays. Content correlated to social studies and science curriculum standards for middle and high school.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.

Points of View Reference Center


Full-text database providing essays and articles that present multiple sides of current issues and is designed to offer the full scope of controversial subjects. For middle school students through adults.

Access to this database is made possible by DISCUS (Digital Information for South Carolina Users). Visit for more information or contact the library.