Chapin Memorial Library invites you to join in our week-long celebration of 70 Years of service to the residents and visitors of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina! Revel with us as we celebrate and pay homage to our State Dance... The Shag!
- Monday, June 3 at 2:30pm
View the cult-classic movie filmed right here in Myrtle Beach. "Shag: The Movie" 1989 PG 1hr 38min - Tuesday, June 4 at 10:00am and 4:00pm
Free Shag Dance Lessons courtesy of the O.D. Shag Club. - Wednesday, June 5 at 10:00am
Meet local author Howie Thompson, and hear him talk about his books: "And the Bands Played On: The History of Myrtle Beach Music" and "Fat Harold: The Legendary King of Shag". - Thursday, June 6 at 5:30pm
Shag at our 70th Year Celebration Party with live music by the Ocean Drive Party Band. Cake and punch provided.