You've done the reading, now it's time to party! Kids and Teens that have met the goal of 15 hours read are hereby invited to the "Celebration of Readers" party. Awards and medals will be distributed. Cake, snacks, and refreshments will be provided. Adults (21 and over) will be notified directly with details and the location of their celebration.
- Adults: Thursday, July 25th at 5:00pm. By invitation only.
- Teens: Friday, July 26th at 4:30pm. Train Depot, 851 Broadway St, Myrtle Beach
- Kids: Tuesday, July 30th at 5:00pm. Gen. Robert H. Reed Rec. Center (old Base Rec.), 800 Gabreski Ln, Myrtle Beach

The Moon Photo Contest will run through the end of July. Submit your moon pictures to photocontest@chapinlibrary.org or share them with us on Facebook. Simply take a picture of the moon. It can be just the moon or the moon over the water, your back yard, full moon, half moon etc. Just make sure it shows the moon. All ages welcome. One prize winner will be selected at the end of the contest. Good luck!